May 15, 2024

What Is Virtual Server Hosting?

virtual server hosting

Servers are powerful computers that store the files and data essential to hosting a website, while VPS hosting uses virtualization technology to partition that one server into multiple “virtualized environments.”

VPS hosting provides more reliability than shared hosting as each environment can remain isolated from one another. Furthermore, it can assist with improving performance by pinpointing any factors which are slowing your site down.

1. Scalability

VPS hosting allows your business to grow without worrying about migration to a physical server, thus eliminating downtime and lost revenue due to moving to a different physical server when traffic increases.


Virtual Private Server hosting, using virtualization technology, enables multiple independent environments to coexist on one physical server while cutting costs and improving performance while adding extra layers of protection by isolating them from each other. This reduces costs while simultaneously improving performance and security by creating distinct environments on separate physical servers.

Hypervisors are software layers that facilitate the creation and management of virtual machines on physical servers. A hypervisor isolates each VM from hardware resources while allocating resources accordingly to ensure no one VM affects another in terms of performance or security.

2. Security

VPS hosting emulates a dedicated hardware server using virtualization technology, providing increased security compared to shared environments that may be susceptible to hacker attacks and disrupt other websites or data stored on the server.

A dedicated server can protect sensitive information such as financial and personal data from cyber attackers, who could otherwise sell or leak this type of data through dark web markets or public platforms.

VPS hosting is generally secure, though users could expose it if they misconfigure their system, install unknown software, or leave unpatched applications unpatched. To stay protected and follow best practices, such as keeping all programs up-to-date using cron jobs that check for updates automatically and installs them when required, strong passwords and strong security best practices must also be adhered to – such as using strong passwords with strong verification processes to protect themselves.


3. Performance

VPS hosting gives each website its own server environment and resources, improving performance compared to shared hosting. Furthermore, its isolation ensures other accounts on the same physical server don’t use up all available resources and slow down your website or application.

Hosting with Amazon Web Services also can increase website loading speed, which could potentially increase sales significantly. According to research, one out of every four people abandon a slow-loading website before returning.

Unmanaged VPS offers a full selection of software, enabling you to fully customize your server environment. It is ideal for developers who wish to install their own applications and configurations directly onto the server, at an attractively reduced price point compared to managed VPS plans; however, its use requires greater technical acumen for troubleshooting issues quickly and making changes flexibly on-the-fly.

4. Flexibility

Virtual server hosting enables departments to host their own servers without incurring the costs associated with physical hardware purchases and maintenance. For example, many businesses maintain separate websites for customer extranet and employee intranet purposes – virtual hosting allows companies to consolidate these onto one server to improve reliability while decreasing management and administrative burden.

Scaling hosting resources is crucial to any business that wishes to expand their website, and VPS hosts are generally capable of rapidly upgrading their physical hardware in response to unexpected spikes in visitor numbers, thus keeping their performance intact and guaranteeing visitors can view it instantly, leading to better conversions, increased user engagement and an improved SERP ranking.

5. Cost

Pricing virtual server hosting tends to be more cost-effective than physical servers, often costing one third less for low-spec virtual servers than its physical equivalents.

Price-wise, cloud computing depends on several key elements such as RAM, storage capacity and bandwidth capacity. Some providers also provide additional features like data backups, server management or operating system licenses that could affect this price tag.

Scala’s VPS plan calculator makes it easy to estimate how much your website will cost with customizable server specs and an estimate calculator. The lowest-priced option offers 1GB RAM, 500 GB of bandwidth and 20GB SSD storage – perfect for sites with minimal traffic needs and limited resource requirements. However, you can opt for root access if you possess basic technical expertise to take control of managing it yourself.