April 18, 2024

Tips to Prevent Comment Spam

If you want to improve the engagement of your website, you must follow these tips to prevent comment spam. A large percentage of spam is generated by using single or multiple words that contain links. These links are hidden inside personalized compliments and may trick your readers into clicking on them. You can easily remove such comments from your website by making them visible only to the administrators. However, you should always review the comments before publishing them to make sure that they are not inappropriate.

Tips to prevent comment spam


Limit the comment privileges of your visitors. Having a limited number of comments is not a good idea. Spammers tend to comment on different websites to increase their backlist. You can discourage them by limiting the number of comments you allow. Ensure that your visitors can only post legitimate comments and don’t let them sign up for your site. You can also use a link-free comment section. This will prevent spammers from posting their links in your comment section.

Enable comments approval. Having a system to approve each comment will stop most spam attacks. You can also restrict the comment privileges for registered users. This will discourage spammers and make your website more user-friendly. Your readers will appreciate that you have their best interests in mind. There are also other ways to prevent comment spam. The most effective strategy is to manually approve every single comment. Moreover, you can change the time for spam filtering. These tips will help you in preventing comment-spam attacks on your website.

Moderation: In order to prevent comment spam, you should make sure that the author has approved the comment before posting it. The comment moderation feature in WordPress will allow you to automatically moderate comments that contain links. This will ensure that you don’t receive too much spam from spammers. By requiring the author to approve the comment before posting it, you will keep the website safe from comment spam. You should also make sure that your readers know that you will always approve legitimate comments.

Restricting comment privileges. Spammers want to post their comments on as many sites as possible. Restricting comment privileges will prevent spammers from doing this. Besides, this will also discourage spammers. You can also restrict the number of comments that are approved by your site. This will help you manage the number of comments. It will also prevent the bots from registering on your site. You should allow comment approval for only legitimate comments.


Changing the URL field. By using the URL field in the comment section, you can prevent comment spam by preventing spammers from using the URL field. This will reduce the number of spam comments that contain links. By limiting the number of links, you will decrease the chances of spammers leaving irrelevant comments. In addition to that, limiting the number of links will slow the spammers down and prevent spam from appearing on your site.

Limiting the number of allowed links. Spammers will use the website field to add a link to their comment. Choosing to limit the amount of links on your website will prevent the majority of spam. You can also limit the number of comments that include links. By reducing the number of allowed links, you will be able to catch more spam. By limiting the amount of linked comments, you can block the vast majority of spam.

Disabling comments. This will prevent comment spam. Some content management systems have built-in tools to block spam. Default article settings also allow you to disable comments if they are not legitimate. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully when disabling comments. If you’re using a popular content management system, it’s essential to use plugins that will help you combat spam. They may even provide a way to block comments altogether.

Creating a blocklist. This is an effective way to stop spam. You can include URLs, words, and phrases in the blocklist. Any comments that contain these phrases will be held in queue until they have been manually approved. By requiring them to register, they will not be able to comment on your website. Once they’ve signed up, they can view the comment, and leave their comment on the website.